Sunday, May 2, 2010

Beyond the Hundreth Meridian..

- A political animal can be defined as a body that will go on circulating a petition even with its heart cut out.

-The yeasty schemes stirring in Adams' head must have generated gases to cloud his eyesight.

-It is a perfect paradise for anybody [ I saw this quote on Mariela's page and I felt like this quote really explains a lot. It explains that our surroundings are great if we take advantage of them and look beyond matters. I agree that it is a perfect paradise simply because of everything nature has to offer. For example, if one is stressed and needs to get away, theres always islands where one can sit out and enjoy the sound of the ocean and beautiful surroundings. as for me, right before finals week, i tend to mellow myself out by taking nature walks late at night with my significant other. It helps me clear my mind, and keeps me on track with school work and work in general. I believe if we take what nature has to offer, we can really understand the true meaning of NATURE. ]

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